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Malala inspires Millions of Girls Worldwide

TNI Bureau: “I am Malala” is not just a catchphrase, it’s an initiative launched by United Nations to bequeath the girl child with the basic right of getting education. Malala Yousafzai is just a 14 year old teenager with no extra-ordinary…

Understanding the Male Ego Syndrome

By Sindhu Nathan: Male ego is a term very commonly used for men.  What is this male ego? It is used to refer to the attitude and behavior of a person who has an exaggerated opinion of his capabilities and importance. As this behavior is…

Men lie More than Women, claims Study

TNI Bureau: Telling lie is a part of human nature. But men tell lie more than women, a recent survey has revealed. It suggests that men frequently take the help of untruth to save them from any negative consequences. The study by the…

Tips to Win Your EX Back

TNI Bureau: Breakups can be really hard to take. They bring lots of pain and anger. Most of the times you feel helpless and cannot think correctly. This is because you are emotionally very disturbed. Most of us, wish for winning our…

5 Health-Ruining Habits in Women

By Triveni Sharma: Health-ruining habits are usually found in many women. Sometimes they don’t know about the health-ruining habits and that causes health problems like obesity, and weight gain. It is important to keep a check on these…