Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan teaser, which was released on his birthday, has won over fans. Fans of the Bollywood superstar SRK were in for a treat when he released the trailer for his upcoming movie.
Jailed conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar claimed that Satyendar Jain, an Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) minister, received Rs 10 crore from him as "protection money," in exchange for privileges in jail.
According to Realme, the next-generation Realme 10 series will go on sale worldwide on November 9. Fans can witness the launch event online on YouTube and Realme's social media outlets
“We’ve resolved this bug now — it was causing people in different parts of the world to have issues accessing their accounts and caused a temporary change for some in number of followers,”- Instagram
Amit Malviya, the big brain behind the world's largest political party's IT Dept and a Member of party's national executive in a resolute move has planned to pursue criminal and civil proceedings against the media outlet “The Wire”