Lalit Kumar, son of Governor Raghubar Das, has been accused of assault and harassment. Lalit, along with five of his associates, allegedly attacked Baikunthanath Pradhan, an officer on duty at the Odisha Secretariat Service, late in the…
Breaking News! Senior IAS Officer Arabinda Padhee has been appointed as the new Chief Administrator of SJTA, Puri in addition to his present duties as Principal Secretary of Agriculture Department.
Vir Vikram Yadav has been removed from…
New Delhi: The chiefs of several central forces announced on Thursday that they have prepared to set aside 10% of posts for ex-Agniveers, following the Union Home Ministry's directive issued last year.
CISF Director…
Odisha Government on Thursday transferred controversial IPS officer Ashish Kumar Singh and posted him as the Officer on Special Duty (OSD) Home Department with immediate effect.
Additional District Collector of Gajapati district Birendra Kumar Das died of a heart attack while singing a Jagannatha Bhajan on the stage in Paralakhemundi on Wednesday.
Two most influential bureaucrats in the previous BJD govt has been transferred to insignificant positions by the new BJP govt in first major reshuffle among senior IAS officers.