100-Word-Edit: Big Crisis in Maharashtra

Parambir Singh accuses Anil Deshmukh of running an Extortion Racket

The political crisis in Maharashtra has deepened further with former Mumbai Police Commissioner Parambir Singh accusing Home Minister Anil Deshmukh of running an extortion racket. Parambir alleged that Deshmukh had asked arrested API Sachin Waze to collect Rs 100 crore per month.

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Even though Anil Deshmukh has denied the charges and said Parambir was trying to malign him due to his transfer, the issue has snowballed into a major controversy. The NCP-Shiv Sena has no other option but to sack Anil Deshmukh soon.

The Waze-Parambir-Deshmukh trio has brought utter disgrace to Mumbai Police and Maharashtra Government led by Shiv Sena.

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