Autopsy Report confirms Torture on Sudipto Gupta
The autopsy report of the 22-year-old SFI student leader Sudipto Gupta, who was the victim of police brutality during a demonstration in Kolkata on Tuesday, said that there were several injury marks on his body. The report will put the police department in trouble as the findings were contradictory to police claim.
The report confirmed multiple injuries, five injury marks on the victim’s body, two injuries found close to his heart and brain. The doctors of the SSKM Hospital, who examined the post mortem report, said that Sudipto died after he was hit by some heavy blunt material.
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They said that the assault led to his death. There were multiple injuries found on his body. Several blue marks can be found in his heart and his lungs which indicate that he could have been beaten up with something. Referring to the report, a senior professor of the SSKM Hospital and forensic expert said that blue patches were found in his heart and lungs both internally and externally. Even internal bleeding had also occurred.
Sudipto, who was the student of political science of Rabindra Bharati University, died after he was detained by the police for the demonstration. The CPM alleged police brutality behind the student leader’s death. The opposition demanded judicial probe into the incident. A case has also been filed against police on charges of abetment to culpable homicide.
However, police have been denying the allegations that Sudipto was tortured in police custody that led to his death.