Mental Peace at Workplace – Need of the Hour
Corporates today must reimagine how they perceive mental health and its implications. Poor mental health has a personal, professional, and financial impact.
TNI Bureau: As India Inc just started recovering from the Covid stress environment, it got affected with the new virus of layoffs, cost cutting exercises and great resignations.
Corporates today must reimagine how they perceive mental health and its implications. Poor mental health has a personal, professional, and financial impact.
Deloitte’s 2022 Mental Health Survey revealed that an astounding 80% of the workforce reported mental health issues over the past year. Poor mental health in the workspace is no longer just a fringe threat, but a danger that affects every employee in the Indian economy today.
Poor mental health can often cause absenteeism and attrition, costing Indian employers around $14 billion annually. Corporate’s first step towards resolving this issue must be tearing down the barriers that exist when it comes to accessing mental health services. Begin by establishing collaborations with teams of psychologists and psychiatrists so that they can assist your employees. Consider subsidising one-on-one appointments as large-scale mental health improvement sessions are no longer enough.
Another critical barrier to attack is the stigma of seeking help for mental health issues.
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You may be surprised to find out that it is not just the expense that is the issue but also the negative perception around seeking mental healthcare support.
Finally, companies need to reexamine the conditions that trigger or introduce such issues in employees. Audit your working conditions and understand what you can do to reduce employee stress and increase performance.
As companies evolve to match market demands, so must they change to tackle new-age health challenges and concerns. At the end of the day, if profits are all that matter, then remember that a mentally stable workforce is also a productive one.
Many companies are taking initiatives to ensure their employees’ mental wellbeing in the current scenario. They are organising mental health sessions, forming self-help groups, providing flexible work options etc.
Clearly, an issue that is affecting many of the work population right now is the talk of the town. With all these efforts being taken up by companies, it seems as if India Inc will see a positive approach towards the mental wellbeing of the employees and their related issues.
The way companies are tackling their employees’ mental health issues and showing empathy towards them, will surely help elevate the employees’ productivity and morale, and also the companies’ overall performance.
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