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Fact Check

Fact Check on Current Events.

Can We Live Without Social Media?

TNI Bureau: To start with, let us talk a bit about the ComScore report on the Indian social media released on August 20th. The report by the digital media firm says that one in four online minutes is spent on social networking sites. Google…

Children as God: Do we Care for our Kids?

By Himanshu Guru: Children are the most precious gift of God. A child bears a virgin mind and heart for which he can be compared with God. He is not notorious, complex and hard to be understood. His thought process, demands and knowledge…

Finding Peace amidst Stress and Chaos

By Himanshu Guru: Stress has become an inseparable part of today’s human life and made it chaotic. This is the stress that causes depression and ultimately makes life hell. Still humans have not stopped searching for solace and peace amidst…

Are Senior Citizens Safe in Bhubaneswar?

By Chinmayee Dash: The shocking attack on the senior citizen couple of Acharya Vihar raises questions on the efficacy of police in Bhubaneswar. Living alone in old age in the state capital is now a very risky. The possibility of snatching,…

Should We repeal Sedition Law?

By Himanshu Guru: After the arrest of political cartoonist Aseem Trivedi on the charges of sedition, a serious question winks into the mind, how the term ‘sedition’ will be defined? Making a cartoon or mocking at the government is crime? Or…

Kasab to Pay the Price, Hang Him on 26/11

TNI Bureau: Justice has been delivered in the end. The Supreme Court upheld the death sentence given to 26/11 terrorist Ajmal Kasab, who had waged a war against India along with his nine other colleagues and killed 166 people in Mumbai.…