Mom’s Dillema: Dealing with Fussy Child
By Triveni Sharma: Most kids are incredibly fussy and noisy with it and sometimes it become very difficult to deal with Different children have different temperaments.
Most parents discover quickly that their children do not arrive as cherubic blank slates after all, but come with at least the basics of their own unique personalities. Some children are easy going and pleasant, while others seem to be continually in a bad mood.
There are different reasons for that like growing age, health problems, and attention seeking and moody. Here are the few tips how to deal with a fussy child:
• Be Patient
Sometimes children are so fussy that they become difficult to control. But being patient with them is the best possible way to deal with their temperament. Be patient with your child and see him/her grow into a caring and a socially intimate individual.
• Find out the actual reason for Child’s Fussiness
If a child is being fussy, try and find out why he is doing so. There may be various reasons behind their behavior. Either the child is not well, or maybe he is not in mood. There can be some other reasons why a child may create a fuss; few of these reasons could be ill health, mood swings, climate change, some problems at school and attention seeking. If the kid is throwing tantrums just for seeking your attention, then do sit with them and help them.
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• Understand and talk to your Child
Understanding your child’s needs is very important. While you cannot change the temperament, you can set behavior expectations. Teach the child how to own his or her feelings and learn ways to self cope.
• Encourage your Child
Encouragement plays a vital role while dealing with a fussy child. If the child is scared and had any bad experience, parents should encourage them rather making them dull and redundant. Encourage the child to figure out for himself what is wrong (if anything) and what will make it better.
• Accept your Child’s Behavior and stop Expecting
Try to disengage in a healthy way from the child’s fussiness. Do not take it personally or get so entangled in trying to “cheer up” the child or get her to see things your way.
Simply accepting the personality trait and detaching with compassion can make a world of difference in how much you let the fussy behaviors set off you. Having healthy boundaries with a fussy child means acknowledging what is “your stuff” and what belongs to the child.
As your child gets older, let her know what is acceptable-writing in a journal, going for a walk, talking with a friend, etc-as ways to work through discontent and what is not. The child may always be a bit on the fussy side, but he or she can learn to manage the fussiness and still behave appropriately.