India, Pakistan, China back Death Penalty at UN


TNI Bureau: The death sentence of Mohammed Ajmal Kasab was executed just two days after the United Nations voted in favour of a resolution that sought abolition of death penalty. However, India was among 39 countries, which backed death penalty and voted against the resolution in a UN General Assembly.

The draft seeking abolition of death penalty adopted on Monday at the General Assembly’s Third Committee, which deals with social and humanitarian issues, after 110 nations voted in favour of the resolution. However, 36 countries abstained from voting.

Explaining on its stand, India said each state had the sovereign right to determine its own legal system. Along with India, Bangladesh, China, Korea, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kuwait, Libya, and Pakistan voted against the resolution. Even the US also backed the death penalty and voted against the resolution.

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Media said that the justice was done with the kins of the victims of 26/11 Mumbai attacks after Kasab was hanged by neck till death, but all the process was done hurriedly after India backed death penalty at UN.

Kasab was the lone surviving terrorist caught by the security forces. He along with 9 other Pakistani terrorists had killed over 160 people in Mumbai on November 26, 2008.

India set an example with Kasab’s execution that India will fight back if its civilians will be the victim of the terrorism.

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