Gold prices on Friday declined by Rs. 1,150 to Rs. 25,650 per 10 grams, a 23-month low in the domestic market. The yellow metal seems to lose its demand in global markets after the US economy showed some signs of strength. However, no…
Indian Rupee hit all-time low against US Dollar on Thursday. It touched 60-level in early trade. Later, it came down to 59.53 per dollar.The sharp decline in domestic currency showed the strong demand for Dollar from banks and importers.…
The rupee hit 57.32 marks on Thursday. This level is very close to rupee's all time low of 57.32 it had hit 11 months back. As per the traders, increased demand for the American currency from importers and a weak opening in the domestic…
Indian rupee declined by 20 paise to hit 11-month low of 56.60 against US dollar in early trade today. It put a tremendous pressure amid the increased demand for the American currency.
According to few analysts, the domestic currency is…
TNI Bureau: The sensex breached the 20,000-mark for the first time in the opening trade after two years, which was better than the expected. The BSE touched 20,007.09 by gaining over 100 points in early hours. However, it immediately…
TNI Bureau: The BSE Sensex climbed 500 points after Samajwadi Party Chief Mulayam Singh Yadav announced that his party will continue to give external support to the UPA government. Along with market, the domestic currency rose to 53.50…
TNI Bureau: Despite the Reserve Bank of India's attempt to curb rupee's slide, the domestic currency fell to 57.01 against the US dollar following the announcement of the measures on Monday.
Earlier on Monday, the local currency rose by…