Manpower for Railway Projects

Manpower requirement for Railway Projects, which are executed by the Construction Organisations of the Railways, are met by posting railway employees against the various posts created for the purpose. It has been decided to set up the…

Launching of E-Hospital Service in India

The e-hospital service has been launched on 1st July, 2015 with the following objectives:- 1) To avail OPD appointment services, 2) To integrate payment gateway for online payments, and 3) To facilitate patients in viewing their…

Policy for Tackling Major Diseases

The Department of Health and Family Welfare is implementing various National programmes on All India basis in relation to a number of diseases including Communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, dengue, chickengunya, lymphatic…

Law for Regulating Surrogacy

As per the Law Commission Report No. 228 of 2009, India is a favorable destination for foreign couples looking for Surrogacy and mentions ART industry is now Rs. 25,000 crore industry. As per two independent studies conducted by reputed…