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Insight segment covers very important information and research-based articles.

Chevrolet ‘Enjoy’ MPV Arrives in May

General Motor’s latest Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV) Chevrolet’s ‘The Enjoy’ would be launched on May 9 in the Indian market. As per reports the vehicle will come in six variants with the option of petrol and diesel engines. And the probable…

Recalling 1969 Gujarat Riots

While everyone talks about the 1984 anti-Sikh riots and 2002 Gujarat riots, people tend to forget the darken part of India's cultural history, which tarnished the image of the country and destroyed the peace and harmony between Hindus and…

World becomes Short for Bitti Mohanty

He was convicted for raping her German friend in Alwar, Rajasthan in March 2006. And, in less than 15 days, he was convicted and sent to seven years in jail by a fast track court. But, he was released on a parole in November 2006 and then…