No Bail for Jayalalithaa, to stay in Jail

The AIADMK cadres as well as followers of former Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalithaa erupted into joy and celebration, when the news broke that their beloved 'Amma' was granted bail by a regular bench of Karnataka High Court today. However, the…

Chennai Super Kings win CLT20 2014 Title

The Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) played like champions in the CLT20 2014, but they faltered at the last hurdle and surrendered before the Raina storm. The Chennai Super Kings thrashed KKR by 8 wickets to win the Champions League T20 title.…

India finish 8th at Incheon 2014

Barring some saving graces, there wasn't much for the Indian contingent to cheer at the Asian Games in Incheon. Four years ago in Guangzhou, India had finished a creditable sixth with 14 gold, 17 silver and 34 bronze (65 overall) medals.…