TNI Bureau: Former Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni, once a celebrated star of the silver screen, has embarked on a profound spiritual journey, adopting the name Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri and renouncing her worldly life. The transformation took place during the ongoing Maha Kumbh 2025 in Prayagraj, where she performed the sacred pind daan ritual at the Sangam Ghat and was consecrated as a Mahamandaleshwar of the Kinnar Akhara.
Mamta Kulkarni’s initiation into sainthood began with the performance of pind daan, symbolizing the renunciation of her past life. The Kinnar Akhara, a revered spiritual institution, led her consecration ceremony (pattabhishek), officially naming her Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri. Speaking about her spiritual transition, Kulkarni credited her Guru, Shri Chaitanya Gagan Giri, and divine guidance for choosing this path.
“This was the order of Mahadev and Maha Kali. My Guru also directed me to take this step. I didn’t do anything—it was all destined,” she said.
Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Laxmi Narayan of the Kinnar Akhara announced that Kulkarni had been in touch with the Akhara for over a year and had undergone a rigorous spiritual evaluation before being bestowed with the title of Mahamandaleshwar. This esteemed title is reserved for spiritual leaders who significantly contribute to religious teachings and social welfare.
Mamta Kulkarni rose to fame in the 1990s with blockbuster films such as Karan Arjun, Baazi, and China Gate, sharing the screen with Bollywood icons Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Aamir Khan. At the height of her career, she was a household name, starring in over 40 films. However, in the early 2000s, she left the film industry and moved abroad, shunning the limelight for a life of introspection.
She explained that her decision to take sanyas was not prompted by personal struggles but by a quest for inner bliss. “I acted in 40-50 films, and when I left Bollywood, I had 25 films in hand. I didn’t take sanyas due to any problem, but to experience the divine,” she said.
Kulkarni revealed that her journey into spirituality began 23 years ago when she took deeksha (initiation) under Guru Shri Chaitanya Gagan Giri at Kupoli Ashram. Over the years, she deepened her spiritual practice, eventually aligning with the Kinnar Akhara, known for its inclusive approach to Sanatan Dharma.
Redemption from Controversies
Kulkarni’s spiritual rebirth marks a stark contrast to the controversies that once surrounded her. In 2016, she was implicated in a ₹2,000 crore drug trafficking case. However, in August 2024, the Bombay High Court dismissed the charges against her due to insufficient evidence. She was also linked to underworld figures, including gangster Chhota Rajan, which fueled rumors and controversies during her film career.
Despite these challenges, Kulkarni’s spiritual path reflects her resolve to leave behind her troubled past and focus on preaching Sanatan Dharma. She emphasized her commitment to the madhyam maarg (middle path) philosophy and expressed her desire to inspire others through her spiritual teachings.
A New Chapter as Mahamandaleshwar
As Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri, Kulkarni has joined the ranks of Mahamandaleshwars, taking on the responsibility of religious discourse and societal upliftment. Her initiation at the Maha Kumbh was marked by Vedic chants and the blessings of the Kinnar Akhara’s spiritual leaders.
Reflecting on her journey, Kulkarni said, “I had to face examinations for this title. When asked what I had done over the past 23 years, I explained my spiritual work, and after clearing all assessments, I was conferred with this honor.”
Having returned to India last month after 25 years, Kulkarni aims to dedicate her life to independently preaching Sanatan Dharma. “I came to the Maha Kumbh 12 years ago, but this time, I begin a new life,” she said.
Her story, from Bollywood stardom to spiritual leadership, is a tale of transformation and redemption, inspiring others to seek purpose beyond worldly achievements. With her newfound identity, Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri embarks on a mission to contribute to religious harmony and societal welfare, embodying the ideals of devotion and spirituality.
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