Rupee hits 57.32 against US Dollar

The rupee hit 57.32 marks on Thursday. This level is very close to rupee's all time low of 57.32 it had hit 11 months back. As per the traders, increased demand for the American currency from importers and a weak opening in the domestic…

BBSR Railway Station gets First Escalator

Bhubaneswar Railway station commissioned its first escalator at platform No. 1 after successful trials. It is a major achievement for East Coast Railway (ECoR). The railway facility is being provided for the convenience of large number of…

Paris Jackson survives Suicide Attempt

Paris, the 15 year old daughter of deceased pop monarch Michael Jackson attempted suicide yesterday. The teenager cut her wrist at several places with the help of a kitchen knife at her Calabasas family home but fortunately received urgent…

Food Security Bill: Gamechanger for UPA

The UPA Government's ambitious Food Security Bill had hit roadblock during the last session of the Parliament, thanks to BJP's continuous blockade of the Parliament. However, the government is not willing to budge and has come up with a…