What’s Life? Take Inspiration from this Man

Life is not as easy as it looks to be especially in today’s world of competition. Life throws different challanges and those who master the situations master the life and live life peacefully and happily.

Sometimes people get into dipression when they can’t compete to live life. Forget about the people with disabilities, even the normal people fail in life for different reasons and at a time commit suicide.

Sometimes people get into begging when they become disabled. However, there are number of people who have defied disability and become successful in life. They took control of the situation and life before falling prey to them. And thus, they set example for others. One such video has now come to the fore.

In the viral video, a divyang man, who has lost his both the hands, is seen attending a function. What inspiring is that he has a camera to click photos and videos, possibly the cameraman of the event.

In the meantime, he gets a call on his phone. He uses both of his arms very careful and cleverly to take out the phone from the right side pocket of his pants. Then he attends the call like the normal people.

Thus he has proved that he is tougher than the tough situation of life.

InspirationLifeMotivationViral Video