Mumbai: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was hospitalized after a stabbing attack at his Bandra residence, was discharged from Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday afternoon. Accompanied by his wife, Kareena Kapoor, the actor returned home after five days of treatment following a life-threatening incident. Doctors have confirmed that Saif, 54, is out of danger and recovering well from the injuries sustained during the attack.
The assault occurred early Thursday morning when an intruder broke into Khan’s home with the intent of burglary. The actor suffered multiple stab wounds, including two deep cuts, and required a five-hour emergency surgery. A piece of the knife was removed from his body, and he was treated for spinal fluid leakage, a potentially serious condition. Medical staff at Lilavati Hospital noted that despite the severity of the attack, Khan was fortunate to escape more critical damage.
Arrest of the Accused
Mumbai police arrested the suspect, identified as 30-year-old Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, who had assumed the alias Vijay Das. According to the police, the accused targeted the property for its perceived wealth, unaware of its famous resident. Fakir was remanded in police custody and is cooperating with investigators as they prepare to recreate the crime scene to better understand the sequence of events.
Following the traumatic incident, Saif Ali Khan has taken decisive steps to enhance the security of his family. The actor has hired Ace Security and Protection, led by actor Ronit Roy, known for providing security services to prominent figures such as Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan. Ronit Roy was personally seen coordinating with police and supervising security upgrades at Khan’s residence.
In addition to hiring a professional security team, the family has installed CCTV cameras throughout their home to prevent future breaches. The attack has sent shockwaves through the Bollywood community, reigniting discussions about the safety and vulnerability of celebrities.