Young Indians Bhubaneswar, under its rural initiative, has set up a stall at the Ekamra Fest 2025, organized by the Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) at Ekamra Haat. The stall showcases an array of handmade products, including agarbatti and phynel, crafted by physically handicapped artisans from rural areas.
This initiative aims to provide a platform for these talented individuals to display their skills and earn a livelihood. The artisans, including Bhagyaluxmi Reddy, Tulasi Reddy, Nishamani Sahoo, Subham Sahoo, Anjali Pradhan, and Anwar Alam, are an integral part of this rural initiative.
Young Indians, a movement of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), strives to converge, lead, co-create, and influence India’s future. Through this initiative, Young Indians Bhubaneswar demonstrates its commitment to empowering marginalized communities and promoting inclusive growth.
“We are proud to support these talented artisans and provide them with a platform to showcase their skills,” said Harish Agarwal Chair, Team Accessibility, Young Indians. “Our rural initiative is a testament to our dedication to creating a positive impact in the lives of rural communities.”