The BSE Sensex surged 535.24 points, or 0.71%, to 75,901.41. Likewise, Nifty 50 gained 128.10 points, or 0.56%, to end at 22,957.25 on 28th January.
Smallcap s continued to bleed for the third consecutive day, with Nifty Smallcap 100 closing lower by 1.81%. Nifty Midcap 100 too shed 0.51% and Nifty Microcap 250 lost 1.89%.
Nifty Realty gained 2.17% to emerge as the top sectoral gainer, followed by financial services, banks, and auto, gaining between 1-2% each. Nifty Pharma lost 2.33%, Nifty Healthcare declined 2.12% and Nifty midsmall IT & Telecom closed 1.65% lower.